Odolu Soul Hunt Ministry The Odolu Soul Hunt Ministry is located at Atanegoma-Odolu in Igalamela/Odolu Local Government Area of Kogi State, Middle Belt Region of Nigeria.
OUR vision
To embark upon and propagate the gospel through indoor and outdoor evangelistic outreaches, teachings and discipleship programmes throughout Odoluland, Nigeria and elsewhere in the world with a view to winning souls to Jesus Christ and preparing them for the service and second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To, through evangelistic programmes and conferences, bring up a people for God’s pleasures, integrate them into the family of God through regular fellowships and worships, disciple them to become like Christ, shaping and sharpening them through the instrument of the Word to serve God sacrificially and thereby aiding them to fulfil their God-given mission on earth. No matter what, Odoluland MUST respond to prayers and develop on all levels. So help us God.

You cannot give what you do not have. No man can be used of God for His kingdom assignment except such a person has a relationship with the Master. Registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (the Federal Government of Nigeria’s official organ that registers such bodies, business outfits and corporate entities) with the certificate of registration number CAC/IT/NO 68129, the birth of the Odolu Soul Hunt Ministry took place during the first pilgrimage of the Ministry’s Presiding Labourer, (Rev’d. Professor Emmy Unuja IDEGU) to the Holy Land of Israel in 2002. For every religious site visited, the Presiding Labourer had a personal prayer said to the LORD. One of those days, precisely on December 1st, 2002, right on the Mount of Transfiguration in Jerusalem, at the very spot on the Mount where Bible records attest to the transfiguration of Jesus and His meeting with Moses and Elijah, he knelt in prayers. As he prayed in earnest he heard a gentle whisper of the LORD thus; “I brought you here to prepare you for an assignment. Get set”.
Though a gentle whisper, as one who has had the intention of going into evangelistic outreach, he had a little understanding of the message. On his return to Nigeria from the pilgrimage, by December 29th -31st of the same year, he sought the LORD’s face in prayer and fasting for a clearer understanding of what he heard in Israel. By January 2nd - February 10th, the Presiding Labourer took a forty day prayer and fasting programme to listen to the LORD for guidance on what to do, when and how. Then the LORD spoke. The assignment was to evangelise Odolu, the village of his birth and its environs.
Recent Causes
Each zone comprising of villages/hamlets is headed by the Zone Co-ordinator. The partners congregate in each zone where they belong, to pray for the Ministry and themselves. Whenever the Ministry goes to mount crusades in these zones, partners handle the mobilisation and other logistics. They are also guided to host crusades in villages around them thereby replicating what the Ministry does. These partners in villages, for now, do not have the financial muscle to foot bills for the Ministry. The idea behind the Directorate of Partners is to empower as many members as possible to stand and firmly stand as soldiers of the Cross with the daily understanding of the doctrines of the Ministry. We are gradually enlarging their understanding of financial demands of the Ministry and their responsibilities thereof. In addition to other activities, partners assist the Ministry monitor the growth of our widows and orphans spiritually and in areas the Ministry empowers the said two groups. For instance, they often check on the petty businesses of widows that the Ministry provides aids to boost and they also monitor the academic growth of orphans the Ministry offers scholarship scheme.

Crusades/evangelistic outreaches
The Ministry organises crusades and evangelism in several villages throughout the year. As the areas of coverage increase, there are expanding financial demands on the logistics of prosecuting the programmes and meeting the immediate needs of the people, most especially genuine and certified indigent converts.
Goal: OVER N 100,500,000 NAIRA NEEDED
Collected: N650,000
Aids, Sponsorship and Grants
Article 7 of the Ministry’s constitution- Sources of Funds- (as approved by the Corporate Affairs Commission, CAC) that registered the Ministry, approves that we can raise and generate funds and other sources (in cash, kind or grants) from individuals, trustees, friends, charity and corporate bodies in Nigeria or elsewhere outside of the country.
Goal: N 500,000,000 Naira
Collected: N1,000,000 Naira

Medical equipment drugs for our clinic under construction
As the Ministry squarely faces the spiritual needs of the people, we are not oblivious of their medical needs. To this effect, one of the Ministries Missionaries was sponsored to do a Diploma in Community Health programme with which acquired knowledge, he attends to such elementary medical challenges now. On the completion of the clinic, the Ministry will increase the medical manpower to accommodate full fledged and trained medical doctors. In Odoluland, like in most developing communities of the world, grossly inadequate access to primary healthcare has been a major reason for high infant, adolescent and adult mortality rates. The Ministry wants to reduce this as much as God helps us
Goal: N65,000,000 Naira
Collected: N830,000 Naira
The assignment was to evangelise Odolu, the village of his birth and its environs.
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To embark upon and propagate the gospel through indoor and outdoor evangelistic outreaches, teachings and discipleship programmes throughout Odoluland, Nigeria and elsewhere in the world with a view to winning souls to Jesus Christ and preparing them for the service and second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.